EqualBITE Writing Workshops
As mentioned in our first blog post, we are co-creating a recipe book for university communities worldwide to share stories to inform, entertain & inspire to achieve gender equality. We’ve already had two that went really well, and here’s information about the next ones taking place so that you can join in! It’s free and anyone at The University of Edinburgh (staff, head of departments, cleaners, caterers, project managers, secretaries, students, teaching fellows, post-grads, part-timers, undergraduate students etc) can join! And it includes free coffee! You sign-up to the meet-up through your MyED login – just click on the links and it takes you there automatically!
In these workshops you will be taught how to write about gender equality in the ‘recipe’ format that the BITE book series revolve around. Have a look at ‘BITE: Recipes for Remarkable Research’ to get an idea of what we’re looking for.
Writing Workshop 3 – Thurs 3 December 2015
- 9.30 -11.30 (coffee available from 9.15)
- Room 4319A James Clerk Maxwell Building, King’s Buildings
- Book a place: http://edin.ac/1MtJ8dE
Writing Workshop 4 – Tues 19 January 2016
- 9.30 -11.30 (coffee available from 9.15)
- Ground Floor Seminar Room, Roslin Institute
- Book a place: http://edin.ac/1ExGjS6
Writing Workshop 5 – Tues 9 February 2016
- 9.30 -11.30 (coffee available from 9.15)
- Meeting Room, Institute for Academic Development (new building on Holyrood Road, near Moray House campus)
- Book a place: http://edin.ac/1MtJiBI
The content generated from the programme of events will be edited and published as an open access book of recipes, case studies and articles towards the end of 2016. This will be the BITE book of Gender equality recipes.
Excited to see you there!